
By train
By train

Trains OSE connect Kozani to Thessaloniki 3 times a day.

By plane
By plane

The city is connected with Athens 4 times/week from Filippos Airport which lies 3 km south-east of Kozani.

By Regional Coach

Interurban coaches "KTEL" buses are by far the most convenient way to travel around Greece, as well as for intra-regional travelling. There is frequent bus service from Athens Kifissias Station to Kozani 4 times a day cost is about €30 - 470 km, as well as from Thessaloniki bus terminal "Macedonia" to Kozani every hour from 06:00 am to 10:00 am about € 10. The city is also connected by bus to Veroia, Ioannina, Larissa, Volos and to all other towns and villages in West Macedonia.